5-stars for Remote Access

An Amazon customer posted a great 5-star review on Remote Access yesterday. I’m grateful for all reviews but this one really appealed to me.

“Even if there was romance mixed in; this was one scary book. I took this seriously. I unhooked my camera, and it took some time to turn on my computer and (I) really looked at it. If that cursor moved without my help, I was out of here.”

I’ll be at Indigo Innes in Orleans, ON today from 10:30 to 2:00ish. If you’re in the neighbourhood, stop by and say hello.

Author: info@barry-finlay.com

Barry Finlay is a Best Selling non fiction and fiction author. After his first two popular non-fiction works, he has expanded to writing crime novels. His literary repertoire includes his experience climbing a mountain with his son, his travels with his in-laws and the hugely popular Marcie Kane Thriller Collection. Barry has been honored with at least one award for each book and is an Amazon bestseller. He is also a recipient of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee medal for his philanthropic work in Africa.